for Social Cause ...

SAHA INSTITUTE is an N.G.O. registered under Indian NGO act. Social service is our main motto. We work for people to develop their skills. Financially weak people always get our friendly co-operation. We believe that it is better to support people to increase their economical strength than directly helping with allowance. So, we work with those people who cannot get proper channels to establish their potentials. We arrange the proper skill development workshops in several corners of our country. Our motto is to establish a strong nation by making self - help units all over the country. We work with woman groups, youth groups and old people. Our motivational groomers try to pull the inner potentials out of all individuals and make them happy to enjoy innovative creations and financial strength.

Our work is mainly for financial weak friends but all stages of society get benefits from our activities. We arrange seminars in remote areas for educated unemployed sister's and brother's to build their job skills and inspire them to accept non-government jobs with joyous heart. Unemployment problem is the burning problem for a nation and we are not free from it. If we forward our sister's and brothers to achieve their goal by blooming their own potentialities, they will decorate their lives not only that, but also they develop the GDP of our county and the self dependency of society. Several private companies get their ready employees by our works. We provide direct teaching for the candidates of ALL INDIA ADMISSION TEST and competitive exams. We do believe that providing food, clothes and money is not permanent solution for needy people. So, we make the children educated and themselves arrange their better jobs.

  • Direct free education providing
  • Motivatonal seminars
  • Skill development workshops
  • Economic development by using human resources
  • Book distribution
  • Environmental work
  • Activities on malnutrition
  • Activities on people's health
  • Work on health